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Relationship Development Intervention (RDI™) is a cost effective research guided intervention approach to autism.


The program uses a parent training model to help children learn skills like joint attention, social referencing, theory of mind, social reciprocity, and communication for experience sharing purposes. 

For more information please visit


For more information about RDI, see below under RDI Program Roles and Responsibilities.

Self Regulation Consultation (Shanker Self-Reg™ )


Self-Reg is a powerful method for understanding stress and managing our energy flow in order to promote self-regulation.


The practice of Shanker Self-Reg helps people understand and respond to others (and themselves) by considering self-regulation across five interrelated domains: biological, emotion, cognitive, social, and prosocial using The Shanker Method™:


  1. Reframe the behavior

  2. Recognize the stressors (across the five domains)

  3. Reduce the stress

  4. Reflect: Enhance stress awareness

  5. Respond: Develop personalized strategies to promote resilience and restoration


Shanker Self-Reg is a valuable and accessible tool for children, youth, and adults as well as  people who care about and work  with them. Self-Reg is a life long process, I can help you begin to understand the science behind stress, and work towards reframing behavior, reducing and responding to each families individual stressors. 


I am certified in the Shanker Method™


For more information about the Shanker Method, please visit


BC School Transition & IEP Meeting Support


I offer individualize support in navigating various school district meetings, offering support in reframing behavior, self-regulation strategies, &  meeting preparation & follow up.  


 If you would like more information about the services I provide, and to learn more about how I can help support your family, please do not hesitate to contact me for a free consultation.

 Relationship Development Intervention (RDI™)

RDI Program Roles & Responsibilities


The RDI Program is primarily a parent-based program.  Once the foundations are in place, RDI techniques can be transferred into other environments. The parents should;


  • Understand the commitment required,

  • Be committed to providing regular feedback and video footage to their RDI Consultant via the RDI Platform.

  • The parents should also be able to set aside enough time each week to work on RDI with their child


The RDI Consultant will;


  • Provide supervised guidance to parents and primary caregivers that will help the child begin to move forward in emotional, social development and dynamic thinking.

  • Guide you as parents (in a consultation role)

  • Respond to assignments in a timely manner

  • Support you with your questions and/or concerns/struggles. I do not want to see autism use up all your emotional or monetary resources.


The basic initial training will be in the form of:


  • hour-long face-to-face consultations in person, or via video chat, on a bi-weekly basis

  • written feedback via the RDI Platform

  • consultant assignment review and feedback

  • guiding you to provide your own analysis on your child’s interactions and learning




The Family Consultation Program is administered via the ‘RDI Platform’.  Guidance and assistance will be provided to enable families to take full advantage of the RDI Platform so that they will be able to use it as a tool for on-going education, uploading footage, accessing parental or child goals, watching and participating in Webinars, and benefiting from the RDI Community forums.



Relationship Development Assessments - RDAs


A Relationship Development Assessment (RDA) will be needed after you have completed the initial ‘Family Consultation Parent Readiness’ training of your RDI Program. 


The RDA should be repeated every 6-12 months to ensure that the Guiding Relationship is developing at the optimum level. It will also help us to identify obstacles that may need to be prioritized. 


The RDA consists of:

  • RDA1 (each parent with the child)

  • RDA2 (consultant with the child),

  • Plan Review Meeting (parents and consultant),

  • Final Report.


Relationship Development Assessment (RDA1 and RDA2)


The Relationship Development Assessment (RDA) is a three-part videotaped assessment that will determine the stage and level that either the parents and/or child need to work on. It is not a test, it provides necessary information that will allow for us to customize your RDI Program for optimal progress.  The RDA segments are administered on separate days to allow time for the video footage to be assessed.


RDA1 is a standardized assessment that asks the child and each parent to engage in a variety of activities.  RDA1 allows the development of a hypothesis that the consultant will test in RDA2. The RDA1 will last approximately 90 minutes.


The RDA2 uses the information gathered from the RDA1 (e.g., obstacles and strengths in regards to the Guiding Relationship) and will allow the consultant to determine whether these obstacles and strengths have been correctly identified. The participants in the RDA2 are the child and the RDI Consultant.  Duration 60 minutes




Plan Review Meeting and Report


The Plan Review Meeting will cover:

  • Primary RDI remediation objectives (including role play and discussion)

  • Life skills needed and plan of action

  • Family strengths and obstacles

  • Other therapies, and

  • Schooling. 


The Plan Review meeting requires both parents and RDI Consultant. A report will be provided to the parent that explains the results of the assessment.


Equipment Requirements


Parents will need:

  • A device that can record video that will be uploaded to a computer or YouTube so you can upload footage to the RDI Platform for analysis.

  • A connection to the internet.










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